Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One day till arrival

So the first volunteer arrives here tomorrow morning, the eight are coming from all over the US and Canada and arriving at four different times over two different days! I just came from Keta, on a three hour sweltering trotro ride (basically a broken down VW bus that goes about 30mph and is packed full of people and luggage)where we hopefully figured out the living situtaion for the volunteers. The house is close as I said before, currently without water, a toilet, a shower, a sink, or tables and chairs. Classy right? Over the next five days those will be remededied though, and when I bring the volunteers to Keta for their first time next Tuesday, I will be seeing the completed house for the first time as well, so all I can do at this point is cross my fingers and hope for the best. I am doing really well here, slightly sunburned in awkward places, the outline of my hand is burned into my skin when I fell asleep in the trotro today, but otherwise adjusting nicely, and remembering all the things I love about this country. My Ewe is coming back to me, the language spoken in Volta Region where the building project is, which is exciting, but I still don't know as much as I would like. It is a great feeling to walk down the one street of Keta and not only be able to greet everyone in Ewe, but half the people who I see are friends I have made over the past two years. People here think I am Ghanaian, truly, many have asked if I am ofiri, basically an albino Ghanaian! I am a bundle of nerves right now, in between excitement to be back and for everyone to arrive and apprehension and worry that everything go ok. We have already started to buy materials for bulding the clinic, though things are costing more than we expected as the currency has changed and inflation has raised prices. It sends a small thrill of elation everytime I drive by the bulding site and see the land cleared and dozens of cement blocks waiting for our inexperienced hands to mold. Hope all is well with everyone, and please keep me updated as to how you guys are doing!

1 comment:

Therese H-P said...

You are Ofiri.